Events planned for 2023
2023 ESD Workshop

The Annual NE-Chapter ESD Workshop with members from the NE-Chapter, IBM, MIT Lincoln Laboratory, and Dangelmayer Associates Dream Team
Location: BAE Systems, 65 Spit Brook Road, Nashua, NH 03060 **
** Due to site policies, registration is only allowed to US persons:
US citizen (naturalized or native) or Legal Permanent Resident (Green Card).
Intended for Professionals Who:
- Want to Expand Their Knowledge of ESD
- Desire Roadmap for Today’s Advanced Technologies
- Need A Better Understanding of The Technology
- Learn from top industry professionals who are up to date with ESD Technology.
- ESDA Certification courses are part of the globally recognized Certified Professional Program Manager Program developed by the ESD Association.
- Reduce costly ESD related issues in your facility
Topics will cover
Hand tool qualification, gloves, additive manufacturing: i.e., 3D printers, SMT/workstation equipment assessment, ionization and standards review.
Dear Technology Professional,
Join us for our in-person workshop. We are bringing the key features of our annual event to you, from our desk to yours. Attend to gain the experience and insights from a team with both globally recognized advanced technical expertise and operational / manufacturing experience.
October 17
8:30 am – 4:30 pm EDT
FC170: ESD Program Assessment for Internal Auditors and Supplier Quality Engineers
John Kinnear- IBM
This class has been designed specifically for those individuals who are responsible for:
- Performing internal company ESD assessments based on ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021
- Conducting a pre-assessment of their facility before an external 3rd party assessment
- Assessing the ESD control programs of their suppliers
This course will use the checklist used by ESDA certified auditors as the basis for the class. However, this class will delve into the meaning behind each audit checklist question in greater detail than is currently found in either the ESD Association registrar certification training or the ANSI/ESD S20.20 ESD program design seminar.
NOTE: Familiarity with performing assessments is recommended when taking this course.
After taking this class, the student will be able to assess a process and determine whether or not it meets the requirements of ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021. The participant will be able to assess a facility to the requirements of ANSI/ESD S20.20 using a standardized checklist. The participant will also be able to alter the checklist based on the responses of the facility being assessed. If a non-conformance is identified, the severity of the non-conformance can be determined.
October 18
8:30 am – 12:00 pm EDT
Hands-on ESD Measurements & Instruments — Uses and Pitfalls
Arnie Steinman- Dangelmayer Associates
Accurate data is the foundation of effective ESD program management. This hands-on tutorial will explain and demonstrate the proper use of ESD test equipment such as static locators, resistance meters, charge plate monitors, and event detectors. We will examine pitfalls of using these common instruments that can result in an incorrect representation of the ESD risk. For example, static locators can give misleading readings if the effects of voltage suppression are not considered. We will also discuss the effective use of ionization since ionizers that are not measured, maintained, and located correctly may contribute ESD hazards to the work area. Each student will participate in class exercises to perform these tests. The hands-on experience is the best way to understand the seriousness of the pitfalls and the benefits to taking the proper precautions. What you learn will help you avoid frequent auditing problems and improve your compliance verification program.
October 18
1:00 am – 2:30 pm EDT
Qualifying ESD Hand Tools, Workstation Equipment and 3D Printers
Andrew Kopanski – MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Choosing ESD safe equipment can be a challenge, particularly without any certification bodies and in many cases without dedicated standards available. This course gives an overview of common items used in ESD work areas and provides guidance in validating these items for ESD compliance. This course will cover powered and unpowered hand tools, workbench equipment including constant monitors, and 3D printing of ESD compatible plastics.
October 18
3:00 am – 4:30 pm EDT
Industry Control Standards: What’s New and What’s Missing
Arnie Steinman- Dangelmayer Associates
- -ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021 / TR53
- -ANSI/ESD S541-2019 Packaging
- -JEDEC 625C-2022 New Release
Your ESD control program is built on industry standards that are regularly updated and modified. In this class, we will review changes in the ANSI/ESD S20.20-2021 and TR53, as well as S541 and JEDEC 625C. We will also highlight ESD control recommendations that provide additional protective measures beyond the baseline standards.
October 19
8:30 am – 10:00 am EDT
Automation – SMT Line ESD Assessment – End to End Including Class 0; CDM & CBE
Ted Dangelmayer – Dangelmayer Associates
The ESD analysis of automation equipment is complex, not well understood and often done incorrectly. The escalating use of Class 0 (ultra-sensitive) devices and high failure rates has made this analysis critically important. You will learn how to apply advanced ESD event detection test equipment for an SMT Line end to end including ESD Class 0, CDM & CBE. You will also learn how to more readily identify sources of ESD stress within automation equipment and how to qualify automation equipment for 50 Volt CDM applications.
This presentation will be highly interactive with in-plant photographs, videos, and compelling Class 0 case studies. The photographs illustrate the details of appropriate measurements and how to avoid the numerous pitfalls.
October 19
10:30 am – 12:00 pm EDT
Ionization – Practical Considerations
Arnie Steinman – Dangelmayer Associates
This presentation provides information on the selection and use of air ionization in ESD control programs. Air ionization is used as part of a complete static control program to deal with charge on isolated conductors, insulating materials, and moving objects that cannot be grounded. Air ionization can neutralize the charge on these insulated and isolated objects. The presentation starts with a review of air ionization fundamentals for both alpha and corona ionization technologies. It continues with the information necessary to decide to use ionizers by reviewing common examples of potential uses and misuses of ionization. Finally, we will discuss information used to select from the wide range of available ionizers to solve problems caused by static charge. Selection criteria for ionizer applications, including performance test methods, environmental, installation and operating conditions, and costs will be described. Practical information for applying ionizers and the use and availability of ionizers for Class 0, S20.20 ESD Control Programs, and other applications will be discussed. This webinar will be of interest to anyone involved in protecting ESD-sensitive devices from the effects of static charge.
October 19
1:00 pm – 4:30 pm EDT
Ultra-sensitive (Class 0) Devices: ESD Controls and Auditing Measurement
Ted Dangelmayer – Dangelmayer Associates
Advanced ESD controls and auditing measurements for CDM & Class 0 (ultra-sensitive) devices and circuit boards are not well known and there are many technical and strategic pitfalls that must be avoided. Industry definitions (threshold levels) for Class 0 will be described and the history of their use will be reviewed. The Class 0 category is broken down into sub-categories of increasing risk. Students will learn how to make valid measurements, avoid common pitfalls, and how to use this data to successfully handle Class 0 sensitivities. Advanced measurements will be described including event detection and high-speed current measurements. Students will learn when each measurement type is useful. Compelling case studies will illustrate these techniques and the success they produce.
ESD Control procedures for Class 0 manufacturing require customization, attention to detail and a full understanding of the technology. Thus, each company will need to develop a Class 0 ESD subject matter expert (SME) to ensure the correct and cost-effective counter measures are taken. SOPs (special operating procedures) developed by SMEs will be discussed that have proven to virtually eliminate Class 0 failures. This tutorial will be highly interactive with live demonstrations, in-plant photographs, and video clips. Students will be encouraged to ask questions and actively participate in the discussions.
** Due to site policies, registration is only allowed to US persons:
US citizen (naturalized or native) or Legal Permanent Resident (Green Card).
Complete your registration today!
On-line Registration (click the link):
About the Instructors
John Kinnear, IBM, ESDA Treasurer

John is currently the Treasurer of the OES/ESD Association, Inc. He is a member of the Technical and Administration Support Committee, Standards Committee, the Electrostatics IEC Committee, and is the Chair of Professional Certification Committee. John is a recipient of the Outstanding Contribution Award. John joined EOS/ESD Association, Inc. in 1990 and has served as president, senior vice president, vice president, and secretary. He also previously served as Symposium General Chair and Technical Program Committee Chair. He is a chair of WG 20 and a member of WG 3, WG 17, WG 19, WG 23 and WG 53.
Ted Dangelmayer, Dangelmayer Associates President & CEO

Ted Dangelmayer is the president of Dangelmayer Associates, LLC and has assembled an ESD consulting team consisting of the foremost authorities in virtually all ESD areas of both product design and manufacturing. He received the “Outstanding Contribution” award and the EOS/ESD Association, Inc. “Founders” award. He was president of EOS/ESD Association, Inc., chairman of the ESDA standards committee, and general chairman of the EOS/ESD Symposium. He has published two editions of his book, ESD Program Management, numerous magazine articles, and technical papers. Ted holds three patents and is iNARTE certified. He is currently president of the Northeast local chapter of EOS/ESD Association, Inc., a member of the ESDA education Council, and Nominations Committee.
Arnold Steinman M.S.E.E. Electrostatics Consultant – Dangelmayer Associates

Arnold Steinman graduated from the Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn (now New York University), receiving both BSEE and MSEE degrees in Electrical Engineering. He is a consultant in electrostatics, static charge control, and ionization, utilizing the knowledge and experience gained in 25+ years as Chief Technology Officer for Ion Systems, Alameda, California. He holds four patents covering air ionizer technology. Steinman is an ESDA certified ESD Program Manager and an iNARTE certified ESD Engineer.
Steinman served as a member of the Board of Directors of the ESD Association and a past chairperson of the Ionization Standards Committee. Steinman was also a senior member of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST), a contributor to IEST standard RP-CC-022, “Electrostatic Charge in Cleanrooms and Controlled Environments”, and a member of the Electrostatics Society of America. For 20 years he served as leader of the SEMI ESD Task Force, which has produced E78-0912 – “Guide to Assess and Control Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) and Electrostatic Attraction (ESA) for Equipment”, E43-0813 – “Guide for Measuring Static Charge on Objects and Surfaces”, E129-0912 – “Guide to Controlling Electrostatic Charge in a Semiconductor Manufacturing Facility”, and E163-0212 – “Guide to Handling Reticles and Other Extremely Electrostatic Sensitive (EES) Items in Specially Designated Areas.” He was the SEMI representative on static control to the International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors (ITRS).
Steinman has contributed technical articles to industry publications such as Micro, Semiconductor International, Data Storage, Evaluation Engineering, Compliance Engineering, InCompliance, and Cleanrooms magazines. He has made technical presentations at the ESD Association Symposium, the IEST annual technical meeting, SEMI technology forums, and for many other national and international industry groups. As a consultant, Steinman works with companies in many industries providing guidance in the establishment and operation of static control programs, problem solving for issues involving static charge, and the design of air ionization equipment. He teaches regularly on all aspects of static charge control and air ionization.
Andrew Kopanski – MIT Lincoln Laboratory

Andrew Kopanski is the ESD coordinator at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. He has 15 years of industry experience and is an ESD Association certified Program Manager and member of the ESD Association Northeast Chapter board of directors.
Northeast ESD Chapter Workshop
Registration October 17, 18, 19, 2023
Location: BAE Systems, 65 Spit Brook Road, Nashua, NH 03060 **
** Due to site policies, registration is only allowed to US persons:
US citizen (naturalized or native) or Legal Permanent Resident (Green Card).
Lunch and refreshments provided
Registration per person
O October 17 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EDT $975.00 $_____________
O October 18 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EDT $975.00 $_____________
O October 19 8:00 am – 5:00 pm EDT $975.00 $_____________
O October 17, 18 & 19 3-day package $2,495.00 $_____________
20% Discount for 3 or more attendees $ – ___________
TOTAL $_____________
Registrations accepted until 10/6/2023
Registration Information
Name:_______________________________________________ Title:________________
Company:____________________________________________ Country:_____________
City:______________________ State:______________ ZIP Code:____________
Phone: work_________________________ cell:__________________________
Preferred method of contact: Phone:________ E-mail:_________
Credit Card ____ VISA ____ Mastercard ____ AMEX
Card #__________________________________________ Expiration____/______
Security Code_________
Billing Address______________________________________
Name on Card_______________________________________
* No Refunds after 9/22/2023 Complete your registration today!
On-line Registration Link:
Please fill out and send the completed registration form by 10/6/2023.
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